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Lewis and Short Latin Dictionary

ex-stĭmŭlo (
exstinctĭo (
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exstinctus (
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ex-stinguo (
exstirpātĭo (
exstirpātor (
exstirpātrix (
ex-stirpo (
ex-sto (
exstructĭo (
exstructor (
exstructōrĭus (
exstructus (
ex-strŭo (
ex-sūcĭdus (
ex-sūco (
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ex-stirpo (
ex-stirpo (ext-), āvi, ātum, 1, v. a., to pluck up by the stem or root, to root out, extirpate. Lit. (only post-Aug.): arbores, Curt. 7, 8, 7; cf. lucos, id. 7, 5, 17; and: silva exstirpata procellis, Prud. Hamart. 241: pilos de corpore toto, Mart. 6, 56, 3.— Transf.: silvestris ager decrescente luna utilissime exstirpatur, is cleared from stubble, Col. 11, 2, 52: agros arboribus atque virgultis, Pall. Jul. 1, 1.— Trop., to root out, eradicate, extirpate (class.): vitia et funditus tollere, Cic. Fat 5, 11: ex animo humanitatem, id. Lael. 13, 48: perturbationes, id. Tusc. 4, 19, 43: nomina inimica libertati, Sen. de Ira, 1, 16 med.: virtutem Israël, Vulg. 1 Macc. 3, 35.


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ex-stirpo (
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ex-stirpo (
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ex-stirpo (


{'content': 'ex-stirpo (ext-), āvi, ātum, 1, v. a., to pluck up by the stem or root, to root out, extirpate. Lit. (only post-Aug.): arbores, Curt. 7, 8, 7; cf. lucos, id. 7, 5, 17; and: silva exstirpata procellis, Prud. Hamart. 241: pilos de corpore toto, Mart. 6, 56, 3.— Transf.: silvestris ager decrescente luna utilissime exstirpatur, is cleared from stubble, Col. 11, 2, 52: agros arboribus atque virgultis, Pall. Jul. 1, 1.— Trop., to root out, eradicate, extirpate (class.): vitia et funditus tollere, Cic. Fat 5, 11: ex animo humanitatem, id. Lael. 13, 48: perturbationes, id. Tusc. 4, 19, 43: nomina inimica libertati, Sen. de Ira, 1, 16 med.: virtutem Israël, Vulg. 1 Macc. 3, 35.\n', 'key': 'exstirpo', 'type': 'main'}