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Lewis and Short Latin Dictionary

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ex-spūmo (
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exstăsis (
ex-sterno (
ex-stillo (
exstĭmŭlātor (
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exstinctĭo (
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exstinguĭbĭlis (
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ex-sterno (
ex-sterno (ext-), āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. sterno, ĕre; formed acc. to the analogy of consterno, āre, to drive beside one's self, to terrify greatly, affright (poet. and very rare): aliquem assiduis luctibus, Cat. 64, 71: exsternata malo, id. 64, 165; Ov. M. 1, 641 (corresp. to exterrita); 11, 77; id. lb. 432: animos nostros perinde laetitia et dolor exsternat, Pacat. Paneg. 19. (Acc. to conject. of Jacobs, also in Hor. Ep. 1, 6, 11; and acc. to Lachm. also in Lucr. 4, 1022, v. ib. p. 266.)


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ex-sterno (
Headword (normalized):
ex-sterno (
Headword (normalized/stripped):
ex-sterno (


{'content': "ex-sterno (ext-), āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. sterno, ĕre; formed acc. to the analogy of consterno, āre, to drive beside one's self, to terrify greatly, affright (poet. and very rare): aliquem assiduis luctibus, Cat. 64, 71: exsternata malo, id. 64, 165; Ov. M. 1, 641 (corresp. to exterrita); 11, 77; id. lb. 432: animos nostros perinde laetitia et dolor exsternat, Pacat. Paneg. 19. (Acc. to conject. of Jacobs, also in Hor. Ep. 1, 6, 11; and acc. to Lachm. also in Lucr. 4, 1022, v. ib. p. 266.)\n", 'key': 'exsterno', 'type': 'main'}