ex-sarcio (also
ex-sarcio (also exarcio, exser-cio, or exercio), no perf., sartum, 4, v. a. —Lit., to patch up, mend; hence, transf., to amend, repair, restore (very rare): exercirent sarcirent, Paul. ex Fest. p. 81 Müll. N. cr.: aliis te id rebus exsarturum esse persuadeas, Q. Cic. Pet. Cons. 11, 45: eos servos qui opere rustico Faciundo facile sumptum exercirent suum, who could repay their cost by their labor, Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 91 Umpfenbach (Bentl. Fleck. al. exercerent).