ex-hĭlăro, āvi, ātum, 1, v. a., to gladden, cheer, to make merry or joyous, to rejoice, delight, exhilarate. Prop. (rare but class.): miraris tam exhilaratam esse servitutem nostram? Cic. Fam. 9, 26, 1; Mart. 8, 50, 6; Col. 6, 24, 2.— Transf., of things: neque ilex, picea, larix, pinus ullo flore exhilarantur, are refreshed, enlivened, Plin. 16, 25, 40, § 95: colorem hominis frequentiores in cibo lupini exhilarant, freshen, brighten, id. 22, 25, 74, § 154; cf.: species mulieris exhilarat faciem viri sui, Vulg. Sirach, 36, 24.