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agĭlis, e, adj. ago. Pass., that can be easily moved, easily movable (mostly poet.; not in Cic.): qui restitissent agili classi naves tormenta machinasque portantes? Liv. 30, 10: haec querulas agili percurrit pollice chordas, Ov. Am. 2, 4, 27: factus inops agili peragit freta caerula remo, id. H. 15, 65; so, agilis rota, id. P. 2, 10, 34: aër agilior et tenuior, Sen. Q. N. 2, 10 al.— Act. That moves easily or quickly; nimble, agile, quick, rapid: sic tibi secretis agilis dea saltibus adsit, swift or fleet-footed Diana, Ov. H. 4, 169: sic super agilis Cyllenius, swift-flying, id. M. 2, 720.—Also of things, quick, sudden: agilem dari facilemque victoriam, Sisenn. ap. Non. 58, 1: argumentatio agilior et acrior et instantior, Quint. 11, 3, 164 al.— With the accessory idea of activity, quick, hasty, or precipitate in action; prompt, active, busy (with direct reference to the action, and hence used of inanimate things; while sedulus, diligent, assiduous, regards more the state of mind; both, however, refer to the simple idea of mobility, Doed. Syn. 1, 122; cf. Front. Differ. 2203 P.): Nunc agilis fio et mersor civilibus undis, Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 16 (= negotiosus, πρακτικός, Schol.): oderunt Sedatum celeres, agilem gnavumque remissi, id. ib. 1, 18, 90: ipse quid audes? Quae circumvolitas agilis thyma, busy, id. ib. 1, 3, 21: vir navus, agilis, providus, Vell. 2, 105; Ov. F. 2, 516 (opp. ignavus); id. Am. 1, 9, 45: animus agilis et pronus ad motus, Sen. Tranq. 2.—Comp., Sen. Ep. 74.—Sup., as given by Prisc. p. 606 P., and Charis. p. 89, is agillĭmus; but Charis. p. 162, agilissĭmus; both forms, however, are given without examples; cf. Rudd. I. p. 171, n. 12.—Adv.: ăgĭlĭter, Amm. 14, 2; 28, 2.—Comp., Col. 2, 2.


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{'content': 'agĭlis, e, adj. ago. Pass., that can be easily moved, easily movable (mostly poet.; not in Cic.): qui restitissent agili classi naves tormenta machinasque portantes? Liv. 30, 10: haec querulas agili percurrit pollice chordas, Ov. Am. 2, 4, 27: factus inops agili peragit freta caerula remo, id. H. 15, 65; so, agilis rota, id. P. 2, 10, 34: aër agilior et tenuior, Sen. Q. N. 2, 10 al.— Act. That moves easily or quickly; nimble, agile, quick, rapid: sic tibi secretis agilis dea saltibus adsit, swift or fleet-footed Diana, Ov. H. 4, 169: sic super agilis Cyllenius, swift-flying, id. M. 2, 720.—Also of things, quick, sudden: agilem dari facilemque victoriam, Sisenn. ap. Non. 58, 1: argumentatio agilior et acrior et instantior, Quint. 11, 3, 164 al.— With the accessory idea of activity, quick, hasty, or precipitate in action; prompt, active, busy (with direct reference to the action, and hence used of inanimate things; while sedulus, diligent, assiduous, regards more the state of mind; both, however, refer to the simple idea of mobility, Doed. Syn. 1, 122; cf. Front. Differ. 2203 P.): Nunc agilis fio et mersor civilibus undis, Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 16 (= negotiosus, πρακτικός, Schol.): oderunt Sedatum celeres, agilem gnavumque remissi, id. ib. 1, 18, 90: ipse quid audes? Quae circumvolitas agilis thyma, busy, id. ib. 1, 3, 21: vir navus, agilis, providus, Vell. 2, 105; Ov. F. 2, 516 (opp. ignavus); id. Am. 1, 9, 45: animus agilis et pronus ad motus, Sen. Tranq. 2.—Comp., Sen. Ep. 74.—Sup., as given by Prisc. p. 606 P., and Charis. p. 89, is agillĭmus; but Charis. p. 162, agilissĭmus; both forms, however, are given without examples; cf. Rudd. I. p. 171, n. 12.—Adv.: ăgĭlĭter, Amm. 14, 2; 28, 2.—Comp., Col. 2, 2.\n', 'key': 'agilis', 'type': 'main'}