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Lewis and Short Latin Dictionary

affābĭlis (better
affābĭlĭtas (better
affā^brĭcātus (better
affāmen (better
affătim (also
affātus (better
affātus (better
affectātĭo (better
affectātor (better
affectātrix (better
affectātus (better
affectē (
affectĭo (
affectĭōsus (
affecto (better
affector (
affectŭōsus (
affectus (
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affectātĭo (better
affectātĭo (better adf-), ōnis, f. adfecto, a striving after something (in a good or bad sense; for the most part only in post-Aug. prose). In gen.: philosophia sapientiae amor est et adfectatio, Sen. Ep. 89: magna caeli adfectatione compertum, i. e. perscrutatione, investigation, Plin. 2, 20, 18, § 82 (but Jan reads adsectatio): decoris, id. 11, 37, 56, § 154: Nervii circa adfectationem Germanicae originis (in the endeavor to pass for Germans), ultro ambitiosi sunt, Tac. G. 28: imperii, aspiring to the empire, Suet. Tit. 9.— Esp., in rhetoric, a striving to give a certain character or quality to discourse without possessing the ability to do it, also an inordinate desire to say something striking, affectation, conceit: (ad malam adfectationem) pertinent, quae in oratione sunt tumida, exsilia, praedulcia, abundantia, arcessita, exsultantia, Quint. 8, 3, 56: nihil est odiosius adfectatione, id. 1, 6, 11; 8, 3, 27; 9, 3, 54; 10, 1, 82; Suet. Gram. 10; id. Tib. 70.


No short def.


affectātĭo (better
Headword (normalized):
affectātĭo (better
Headword (normalized/stripped):
affectatio (better


{'content': 'affectātĭo (better adf-), ōnis, f. adfecto, a striving after something (in a good or bad sense; for the most part only in post-Aug. prose). In gen.: philosophia sapientiae amor est et adfectatio, Sen. Ep. 89: magna caeli adfectatione compertum, i. e. perscrutatione, investigation, Plin. 2, 20, 18, § 82 (but Jan reads adsectatio): decoris, id. 11, 37, 56, § 154: Nervii circa adfectationem Germanicae originis (in the endeavor to pass for Germans), ultro ambitiosi sunt, Tac. G. 28: imperii, aspiring to the empire, Suet. Tit. 9.— Esp., in rhetoric, a striving to give a certain character or quality to discourse without possessing the ability to do it, also an inordinate desire to say something striking, affectation, conceit: (ad malam adfectationem) pertinent, quae in oratione sunt tumida, exsilia, praedulcia, abundantia, arcessita, exsultantia, Quint. 8, 3, 56: nihil est odiosius adfectatione, id. 1, 6, 11; 8, 3, 27; 9, 3, 54; 10, 1, 82; Suet. Gram. 10; id. Tib. 70.\n', 'key': 'affectatio', 'type': 'main'}