aestŭōsus, a, um, adj. aestus, full of agitation or heat. Very hot: aura, Pac. ap. Prisc. p. 710 P.: aestuosa et pulverulenta via, Cic. Att. 5, 14; Hor. Epod. 16, 62: auster, Plin. 2, 47, 48, § 119: aestuosissimi dies, id. 34, 12, 28, § 116: Syrtes, the burning Syrtes, Hor. C. 1, 22, 5; hence, Oraclum Jovis inter aestuosi, i. e. of Jupiter Ammon in the Libyan desert, Cat. 7, 5.— Great ly agitated, in violent ebullition: freta, Hor. C. 2, 7, 16.—Hence, adv.: aestŭōsē, hotly, impetuously, Plaut. Bacch. 3, 3, 67.— Comp., Hor. Epod. 3, 18.—Sup. prob. not used.