βακχεύωvb[βάκχος]pf.pass. of personsbe a devotee of Bacchus, engage in ecstaticfrenzied Bacchic rites
Hdt. E. fig., of the hair of a devoteestream in revelry
E. engage in ecstaticfrenzied ritesin the cults of Orpheus or the Great Mother
E. Pl. of Cassandra, as seerbe in an ecstaticfrenzied state
E.of certain poetsPl. of a personbe crazed
w.acc.in the mindE.of a person, Lyssa, a poisoned birdbehave in a crazedfrenzied manner
S. E. be drunkcrazyw. wine
Plu.w. power, adulation of a leaderPlu. causatv., of murder, Erinyesmakew.acc.someonecrazed
E.pf.pass.be possessedw.dat.w. madnessE.
to keep the feast of Bacchus, celebrate his mysteries
Headword (normalized):
Headword (normalized/stripped):
{'headword_display': '<b>βακχεύω</b>', 'content': '<VE><vHG><HL>βακχεύω</HL><PS>vb</PS><Ety><Ref>βάκχος</Ref></Ety><FG><Tns><Lbl>pf.pass.</Lbl><Form>βεβάκχευμαι</Form></Tns></FG></vHG> <vS1> <Indic>of persons</Indic><Tr>be a devotee of Bacchus, engage in ecstatic<or/>frenzied Bacchic rites</Tr><Au>Hdt. E.</Au> <vS2><Indic>fig., of the hair of a devotee</Indic><Tr>stream in revelry</Tr><Au>E.</Au></vS2> </vS1> <vS1><Tr>engage in ecstatic<or/>frenzied rites<Expl>in the cults of Orpheus or the Great Mother</Expl></Tr><Au>E. Pl.</Au> </vS1> <vS1><Indic>of Cassandra, as seer</Indic><Tr>be in an ecstatic<or/>frenzied state</Tr><Au>E.</Au><vS2><Indic>of certain poets</Indic><Au>Pl.</Au></vS2> </vS1> <vS1><Indic>of a person</Indic><Tr>be crazed</Tr><Cmpl><GLbl>w.acc.</GLbl>in the mind<Au>E.</Au></Cmpl><vS2><Indic>of a person, Lyssa, a poisoned bird</Indic><Tr>behave in a crazed<or/>frenzied manner</Tr><Au>S. E.</Au> </vS2> </vS1> <vS1><Tr>be drunk<or/>crazy<Expl>w. wine</Expl></Tr><Au>Plu.</Au><vS2><Indic>w. power, adulation of a leader</Indic><Au>Plu.</Au></vS2> </vS1> <vS1><Indic>causatv., of murder, Erinyes</Indic><Tr>make<Prnth><GLbl>w.acc.</GLbl>someone</Prnth>crazed</Tr><Au>E.</Au><vSGrm><GLbl>pf.pass.</GLbl><Def>be possessed</Def><Cmpl><GLbl>w.dat.</GLbl>w. madness<Au>E.</Au></Cmpl></vSGrm> </vS1> </VE>', 'key': 'βακχεύω'}