ἀντίprepw.gen.sts. following its nounbut without anastrophe of the accent, e.g. Προθοήνορος ἀντὶ πεφάσθαι ἄξιος worthy to be killed as requital for Prothoenor Il.Alocation on the opposite side of
treesX. Bcomparison or preferenceof equal strength, value or statusequivalent to
someone or sthg.Il. Hdt. D. in comparison with
anotherS. E. Pl. ref. to desiring or choosing someone or sthg.in preference to
anotherThgn. A. S. Th.ref. to loving gloryrathermore than
lifePlu. Csubstitution in placeinstead ofas an alternative or replacement
someone or sthg.Il.ref. to succeeding to an officein place of
a leader or rulerPlb. NT. in the function ofas
a suppliant, brotherHom.a lionAr.a bathHdt. ref. to entreatingin the name ofby
childrenS. Dexchange ref. to conferring or receiving a benefit, buying or selling, dyingin returnexchange for
someone or sthg.Il.advbl., in phr.ἀντ’ εὖ νοεῖνshow goodwill in returnX.for ἀντ’ εὖ πάσχειν, ἀντ’ εὖ ποιεῖν see [ἀντιπάσχω] 1, [ἀντιποιέω] 1 as requitalas a penalty for
someone who was killed, previous wrongsHom. as a reaction toin response to
previous actionsTh. Plb.a state of affairsS. NT.as a resulton account of
some causeS. Plu.
over against, opposite. c. gen.
Headword (normalized):
Headword (normalized/stripped):
{'headword_display': '<b>ἀντί</b>', 'content': '<FE><vHG><HL>ἀντί</HL><PS>prep</PS><FG><Tns><Lbl><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl></Lbl></Tns><Tns><Lbl>sts. following its noun<Expl>but without anastrophe of the accent</Expl>, e.g. <Gr>Προθοήνορος ἀντὶ πεφάσθαι ἄξιος</Gr><ital> worthy to be killed as requital for Prothoenor</ital> <Au>Il.</Au></Lbl></Tns></FG></vHG><NPS><Lbl><bold>A</bold></Lbl><FG><Tns><Lbl>location</Lbl></Tns></FG> <advS1><Tr>on the opposite side of</Tr> <Cmpl>trees<Au>X.</Au></Cmpl></advS1></NPS> <NPS><Lbl><bold>B</bold></Lbl><FG><Tns><Lbl>comparison or preference</Lbl></Tns></FG><advS1><Def>of equal strength, value or status</Def><Tr>equivalent to</Tr><Cmpl>someone or sthg.<Au>Il. Hdt. D.</Au></Cmpl></advS1> <advS1><Tr>in comparison with</Tr><Cmpl>another<Au>S. E. Pl.</Au></Cmpl></advS1> <advS1><Indic>ref. to desiring or choosing someone or sthg.</Indic><Tr>in preference to</Tr><Cmpl>another<Au>Thgn. A. S. Th.<NBPlus/></Au></Cmpl><advS2><Indic>ref. to loving glory</Indic><Tr>rather<or/>more than</Tr><Cmpl>life<Au>Plu.</Au></Cmpl></advS2></advS1> </NPS> <NPS><Lbl><bold>C</bold></Lbl><FG><Tns><Lbl>substitution</Lbl></Tns></FG> <advS1><Tr>in place<or/>instead of<Expl>as an alternative or replacement</Expl></Tr><Cmpl>someone or sthg.<Au>Il.<NBPlus/></Au></Cmpl></advS1><advS1><Indic>ref. to succeeding to an office</Indic><Tr>in place of</Tr><Cmpl>a leader or ruler<Au>Plb. NT.</Au></Cmpl></advS1> <advS1><Def>in the function of</Def><Tr>as</Tr><Cmpl>a suppliant, brother<Au>Hom.</Au></Cmpl><Cmpl>a lion<Au>Ar.</Au></Cmpl><Cmpl>a bath<Au>Hdt.</Au></Cmpl></advS1> <advS1><Indic>ref. to entreating</Indic><Def>in the name of</Def><Tr>by</Tr><Cmpl>children<Au>S.</Au></Cmpl></advS1> </NPS> <NPS><Lbl><bold>D</bold></Lbl><FG><Tns><Lbl>exchange</Lbl></Tns></FG> <advS1><Indic>ref. to conferring or receiving a benefit, buying or selling, dying</Indic><Tr>in return<or/>exchange for</Tr><Cmpl>someone or sthg.<Au>Il.<NBPlus/></Au></Cmpl><Phr><Indic>advbl., in phr.</Indic><Gr>ἀντ’ εὖ νοεῖν</Gr><TrPhr>show goodwill in return</TrPhr><Au>X.</Au></Phr><XR>for <Gr>ἀντ’ εὖ πάσχειν</Gr>, <Gr>ἀντ’ εὖ ποιεῖν</Gr> see <Ref>ἀντιπάσχω</Ref> 1, <Ref>ἀντιποιέω</Ref> 1</XR></advS1> <advS1><Tr>as requital<or/>as a penalty for</Tr><Cmpl>someone who was killed, previous wrongs<Au>Hom.<NBPlus/></Au></Cmpl></advS1> <advS1><Def>as a reaction to</Def><Tr>in response to</Tr><Cmpl>previous actions<Au>Th. Plb.</Au></Cmpl><Cmpl>a state of affairs<Au>S. NT.</Au></Cmpl><advS2><Tr>as a result<or/>on account of</Tr><Cmpl>some cause<Au>S. Plu.</Au></Cmpl></advS2></advS1></NPS> </FE>', 'key': 'ἀντί'}