ὑπονοέωcontr.vb have a partial or hesitant notionof what is possible or likelyimagine, surmise, infer, suspectsthg.Hdt. E. Th. And. Ar. Men.w.acc. + inf.that someone is doing sthg., that sthg. is the caseHdt. Th. Att.orats. Men. Plb.w.compl.cl.that sthg. is or will be the caseX. D. Plu.w.indir.q.what is the casePlb. make an inferenceguessAr. Pl. Men. Plu. pass.of thingsbe inferred or imaginedTh. Plb. Plu. specif.have an apprehension of guilt or faultbe suspiciousTh. Lys. Plu.w. [περί] + gen.in regard to sthg.And.w.gen. + compl.cl.in regard to persons, that they are doing sthg.i.e. suspect them of itTh. tr.view with suspicionbe suspicious ofstatements, a storyAntipho And. Plu.suspecta personPlu.w. [ὡς] + ptcpl.of doing sthg.Plu.pass.of a personbe under suspicionPlu. apprehend with suspicionsuspecta liePl.treachery, poisoning, or sim.Plu. have in minda course of actionthinkw.inf.of doing sthg.Plb.dub., cj. ἐπινοέω
to think secretly, suspect
Headword (normalized):
Headword (normalized/stripped):
{'headword_display': '<b>ὑπο-νοέω</b>', 'content': '<VE><vHG><HL>ὑπο<hyph/>νοέω</HL><PS>contr.vb</PS></vHG> <vS1> <Def>have a partial or hesitant notion<Expl>of what is possible or likely</Expl></Def><vS2><Tr>imagine, surmise, infer, suspect</Tr><Obj>sthg.<Au>Hdt. E. Th. And. Ar. Men.<NBPlus/></Au></Obj><Cmpl><GLbl>w.acc. + inf.</GLbl>that someone is doing sthg., that sthg. is the case<Au>Hdt. Th. Att.orats. Men. Plb.<NBPlus/></Au></Cmpl><Cmpl><GLbl>w.compl.cl.</GLbl>that sthg. is or will be the case<Au>X. D. Plu.</Au></Cmpl><Cmpl><GLbl>w.indir.q.</GLbl>what is the case<Au>Plb.</Au></Cmpl></vS2> </vS1> <vS1><Tr>make an inference<or/>guess</Tr><Au>Ar. Pl. Men. Plu.</Au> </vS1> <vS1><vSGrm><GLbl>pass.</GLbl><Indic>of things</Indic><Def>be inferred or imagined</Def><Au>Th. Plb. Plu.</Au></vSGrm> </vS1> <vS1><Indic>specif.</Indic><Def>have an apprehension of guilt or fault</Def><Tr>be suspicious</Tr><Au>Th. Lys. Plu.</Au><Cmpl><GLbl>w. <Ref>περί</Ref> + gen.</GLbl>in regard to sthg.<Au>And.</Au></Cmpl><Cmpl><GLbl>w.gen. + compl.cl.</GLbl>in regard to persons, that they are doing sthg.<Expl>i.e. suspect them of it</Expl><Au>Th.</Au></Cmpl> </vS1> <vS1><Indic>tr.</Indic><Def>view with suspicion</Def><Tr>be suspicious of</Tr><Obj>statements, a story<Au>Antipho And. Plu.</Au></Obj><vS2><Tr>suspect</Tr><Obj>a person<Au>Plu.</Au></Obj><Cmpl><Indic><GLbl>w. <Ref>ὡς</Ref> + ptcpl.</GLbl>of doing sthg.</Indic><Au>Plu.</Au></Cmpl></vS2><vSGrm><GLbl>pass.</GLbl><Indic>of a person</Indic><Def>be under suspicion</Def><Au>Plu.</Au></vSGrm> </vS1> <vS1><Def>apprehend with suspicion</Def><Tr>suspect</Tr><Obj>a lie<Au>Pl.</Au></Obj><Obj>treachery, poisoning, or sim.<Au>Plu.</Au></Obj> </vS1> <vS1><Def>have in mind<Expl>a course of action</Expl></Def><vS2><Tr>think</Tr><Cmpl><GLbl>w.inf.</GLbl>of doing sthg.<Au>Plb.<LblR>dub., cj. <Gr>ἐπινοέω</Gr></LblR></Au></Cmpl></vS2> </vS1> </VE>', 'key': 'ὑπονοέω'}