στέμμαατοςn[στέφω] usu.pl.band of woolfilletas a symbol of holiness, assoc.w. priests, prophets, or sim.
E. Ar. Call. Plu.used in supplication to wreathe an olive branch, also a priest's staffIl. E. Plb.to wreathe a sacrificial victimHdt. Ar. Thphr. Plu.hung in the oracular chamber and on sacred objects at DelphiE. Ar.assoc.w. the temple of Hera at ArgosTh.worn on the head by the FatesPl.pl.tufts of wool, woolfor spinning of threads by [Ἔρις] DiscordE.as the fringe of a cloakAr.garlandof wild celery, won by a victor at the Isthmian games
Plu. pl.in Roman ctxt.family treePlu.Displayed in entrances to houses; so called because the names were illuminated w. painted garlands.
a wreath, garland
Headword (normalized):
Headword (normalized/stripped):
{'headword_display': '<b>στέμμα</b>', 'content': "<NE><HG><HL>στέμμα</HL><Infl>ατος</Infl><PS>n</PS><Ety><Ref>στέφω</Ref></Ety></HG> <nS1><Indic>usu.pl.</Indic><Def>band of wool</Def><Tr>fillet<Expl>as a symbol of holiness, assoc.w. priests, prophets, or sim.</Expl></Tr><Au>E. Ar. Call. Plu.</Au><nS2><Indic>used in supplication to wreathe an olive branch, also a priest's staff</Indic><Au>Il. E. Plb.</Au></nS2><nS2><Indic>to wreathe a sacrificial victim</Indic><Au>Hdt. Ar. Thphr. Plu.</Au></nS2><nS2><Indic>hung in the oracular chamber and on sacred objects at Delphi</Indic><Au>E. Ar.</Au></nS2><nS2><Indic>assoc.w. the temple of Hera at Argos</Indic><Au>Th.</Au></nS2><nS2><Indic>worn on the head by the Fates</Indic><Au>Pl.</Au></nS2></nS1><nS1><SGrm><GLbl>pl.</GLbl><Def>tufts of wool, wool<Expl>for spinning of threads by <Ref>Ἔρις</Ref> <ital>Discord</ital></Expl></Def><Au>E.</Au><S2><Indic>as the fringe of a cloak</Indic><Au>Ar.</Au></S2></SGrm></nS1><nS1><Tr>garland<Expl>of wild celery, won by a victor at the Isthmian games</Expl></Tr><Au>Plu.</Au></nS1> <nS1><SGrm><GLbl>pl.</GLbl><Indic>in Roman ctxt.</Indic><Def>family tree</Def><Au>Plu.</Au><Extra>Displayed in entrances to houses; so called because the names were illuminated w. painted garlands.</Extra></SGrm></nS1></NE>", 'key': 'στέμμα'}