ουn[πρύτανις] prytaneion, town hallceremonial headquarters of a city, housing its sacred hearth and public dining-roomsPi. Hdt. Th. Theoc. Plb.pl. for sg.Hdt.oracle Call.specif., at Athens, a building on the Acropolis, rebuilt in the 5th C. BC, prob. on the north slope, where meals were offered to ambassadors, and to other individuals in gratitude for particular services, and where certain homicide trials were heldHdt. Ar. Att.orats. Pl.w.gen.of wisdom, fig.ref. to AthensPl.ref. to a hospitable person's housePlu. πρυτανεῖαωνn.pl court duessum paid to the state by litigants before a trial, in cases involving monetary claims, w. the losing party reimbursing his opponentAr. Att.orats. X.
the presidents’ hall, town-hall; (pl.) deposit for lawsuit
Headword (normalized):
Headword (normalized/stripped):
{'headword_display': '<b>πρυτανεῖον</b>', 'content': "<NE><HG><HL>πρυτανεῖον</HL><DL><Lbl>Ion.</Lbl><FmHL>πρυτανήιον</FmHL></DL><Infl>ου</Infl><PS>n</PS><Ety><Ref>πρύτανις</Ref></Ety></HG> <nS1><Tr>prytaneion, town hall<Expl>ceremonial headquarters of a city, housing its sacred hearth and public dining-rooms</Expl></Tr><Au>Pi. Hdt. Th. Theoc. Plb.</Au><nS2><Indic>pl. for sg.</Indic><Au>Hdt.<LblR>oracle</LblR> Call.</Au></nS2><nS2><Indic>specif., at Athens, a building on the Acropolis, rebuilt in the 5th C. BC, prob. on the north slope, where meals were offered to ambassadors, and to other individuals in gratitude for particular services, and where certain homicide trials were held</Indic><Au>Hdt. Ar. Att.orats. Pl.<NBPlus/></Au></nS2><nS2><Indic><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>of wisdom, fig.ref. to Athens</Indic><Au>Pl.</Au></nS2><nS2><Indic>ref. to a hospitable person's house</Indic><Au>Plu.</Au></nS2></nS1> <RelW><HG><HL>πρυτανεῖα</HL><Infl>ων</Infl><PS>n.pl</PS></HG> <nS1><Tr>court dues<Expl>sum paid to the state by litigants before a trial, in cases involving monetary claims, w. the losing party reimbursing his opponent</Expl></Tr><Au>Ar. Att.orats. X.</Au></nS1></RelW></NE>", 'key': 'πρυτανεῖον'}