f[φθείρω] destructionof a city, camp, crops
A. Plb. Plu.death and destructionesp. caused by wars, floods, fires, or sim.
Hdt. Pl. Plb. Plu. gener.destruction, obliterationof sthg.
Pl. Arist. Plu.philos., oft. as a description of death, opp. birth and creationPl. Arist. Plb. NT.deathof a certain person
S. X. loss of lifesuffered by a population or army
Th. Pl. D. Plb. Plu.ruin, doomof a race, a house
S. disasterref. to shipwreck
E. Arist. pestilence, plague
Arist. Plu.wasting, squanderingof money
Arist. Plu. decayof a corpse, matter
Plu.fig., of a statePlb.degeneration, corruptionof a form of government
Arist. Plu. seductionof a woman, a boy
Aeschin.law Plu.
No short def.
Headword (normalized):
Headword (normalized/stripped):
{'headword_display': '<b>φθορᾱ́</b>', 'content': '<NE><HG><HL>φθορᾱ́</HL><Infl>ᾶς</Infl><DL><Lbl>Ion.</Lbl><FmHL>φθορή</FmHL><DInfl><FmInfl>ῆς</FmInfl></DInfl></DL><PS>f</PS><Ety><Ref>φθείρω</Ref></Ety></HG> <nS1><Tr>destruction<Expl>of a city, camp, crops</Expl></Tr><Au>A. Plb. Plu.</Au><nS2><Tr>death and destruction<Expl>esp. caused by wars, floods, fires, or sim.</Expl></Tr><Au>Hdt. Pl. Plb. Plu.</Au></nS2></nS1> <nS1><Indic>gener.</Indic><Tr>destruction, obliteration<Expl>of sthg.</Expl></Tr><Au>Pl. Arist. Plu.</Au><nS2><Indic>philos., oft. as a description of death, opp. birth and creation</Indic><Au>Pl. Arist. Plb. NT.</Au></nS2></nS1><nS1><Tr>death<Expl>of a certain person</Expl></Tr><Au>S. X.</Au></nS1> <nS1><Tr>loss of life<Expl>suffered by a population or army</Expl></Tr><Au>Th. Pl. D. Plb. Plu.</Au></nS1><nS1><Tr>ruin, doom<Expl>of a race, a house</Expl></Tr><Au>S.</Au></nS1> <nS1><Tr>disaster<Expl>ref. to shipwreck</Expl></Tr><Au>E. Arist.</Au></nS1> <nS1><Tr>pestilence, plague</Tr><Au>Arist. Plu.</Au></nS1><nS1><Tr>wasting, squandering<Expl>of money</Expl></Tr><Au>Arist. Plu.</Au></nS1> <nS1><Tr>decay<Expl>of a corpse, matter</Expl></Tr><Au>Plu.</Au><nS2><Indic>fig., of a state</Indic><Au>Plb.</Au></nS2></nS1><nS1><Tr>degeneration, corruption<Expl>of a form of government</Expl></Tr><Au>Arist. Plu.</Au></nS1> <nS1><Tr>seduction<Expl>of a woman, a boy</Expl></Tr><Au>Aeschin.<LblR>law</LblR> Plu.</Au></nS1></NE>', 'key': 'φθορᾱ́'}