μῦθοςουm that which is spokenutterance, word, statement, speechw. neutral connot., or ref. to advice, a command, proposal, plea, or sim., as indicated by ctxt.
Hom. Hes. Eleg. B. Trag. Hellenist.poet.pl.words, talk, speechHom. Hes. Thgn. B. Emp. Trag. wordopp. fact or reality
A.sg. and pl.speechopp. action
Hom. saying, maxim
A.that which is in one's mindbut not yet spokenpurpose, plan, design
Hom.matter, issue
Od. spoken narrativeaccount, story, tale
Od. hHom. B. Parm. Emp. Trag.w.gen.about someone or sthg.Od. Parm. S.pejor.talk, rumour
S.fictional narrativestory, talefable
A.fr. Ar. Pl. Arist. Call. Theoc.opp. realityE.Cyc. inherited storyabout the gods, the distant past, or sim.story, legend, myth
Xenoph. Hdt. E. Ar. Att.orats. Pl.incredible or deceptive storytale, fiction, yarn
Pi. Ar. Pl. D. Call.epigr. form in which a story is adapted for representation in epic or dramastory-line, plot
anything, delivered by word of mouth, word, speech
Headword (normalized):
Headword (normalized/stripped):
{'headword_display': '<b>μῦθος</b>', 'content': "<NE><HG><HL>μῦθος</HL><Infl>ου</Infl><PS>m</PS></HG> <nS1><Def>that which is spoken</Def><Tr>utterance, word, statement, speech<Expl>w. neutral connot., or ref. to advice, a command, proposal, plea, or sim., as indicated by ctxt.</Expl></Tr><Au>Hom. Hes. Eleg. B. Trag. Hellenist.poet.</Au><SGrm><GLbl>pl.</GLbl><Def>words, talk, speech</Def><Au>Hom. Hes. Thgn. B. Emp. Trag.<NBPlus/></Au></SGrm></nS1> <nS1><Tr>word<Expl>opp. fact or reality</Expl></Tr><Au>A.</Au><nS2><Indic>sg. and pl.</Indic><Tr>speech<Expl>opp. action</Expl></Tr><Au>Hom.</Au></nS2></nS1> <nS1><Tr>saying, maxim</Tr><Au>A.</Au></nS1><nS1><Def>that which is in one's mind<Expl>but not yet spoken</Expl></Def><Tr>purpose, plan, design</Tr><Au>Hom.</Au><nS2><Tr>matter, issue</Tr><Au>Od.</Au></nS2></nS1> <nS1><Def>spoken narrative</Def><Tr>account, story, tale</Tr><Au>Od. hHom. B. Parm. Emp. Trag.<NBPlus/></Au><nS2><Indic><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>about someone or sthg.</Indic><Au>Od. Parm. S.</Au></nS2><nS2><Indic>pejor.</Indic><Tr>talk, rumour</Tr><Au>S.</Au></nS2></nS1><nS1><Def>fictional narrative</Def><Tr>story, tale<or/>fable</Tr><Au>A.<Wk>fr.</Wk> Ar. Pl. Arist. Call. Theoc.</Au><nS2><Indic>opp. reality</Indic><Au>E.<Wk>Cyc.</Wk></Au></nS2></nS1> <nS1><Def>inherited story<Expl>about the gods, the distant past, or sim.</Expl></Def><Tr>story, legend, myth</Tr><Au>Xenoph. Hdt. E. Ar. Att.orats. Pl.<NBPlus/></Au></nS1><nS1><Def>incredible or deceptive story</Def><Tr>tale, fiction, yarn</Tr><Au>Pi. Ar. Pl. D. Call.<Wk>epigr.</Wk></Au></nS1> <nS1><Def>form in which a story is adapted for representation in epic or drama</Def><Tr>story-line, plot</Tr><Au>Arist.</Au></nS1> </NE>", 'key': 'μῦθος'}