μισθοφορέωcontr.vb earn or receive a wage, fee or paymentof an estate-managerearn a wage
X.of a doctorreceive fees
Ar.of public officials, jurymen, or sim.be paid
Th. Ar. D. Arist.w.acc.a sum of moneyArist.w. public moneyAr.w. the money of corrupt politiciansLys.of a disabled citizenreceive a grant
Aeschin. of troops or sailorsdraw paybe paid
Ar. Arist.w.acc.at a certain rateAr.groatsi.e. rationsAr. specif.serve for paybe a mercenary
X. D. Plb. Plu. pejor., of a politicianreceive pay
w. [παρά] + gen.fr. a foreign rulerD. of houses, draught animals, slavesbring in incomefr. being let or hired out
X. Is.pass.of moneybe raised through rental or hireX.
receive wages or pay
Headword (normalized):
Headword (normalized/stripped):
{'headword_display': '<b>μισθοφορέω</b>', 'content': '<VE><vHG><HL>μισθοφορέω</HL><PS>contr.vb</PS></vHG> <vS1> <Def>earn or receive a wage, fee or payment</Def><vS2><Indic>of an estate-manager</Indic><Tr>earn a wage</Tr><Au>X.</Au></vS2><vS2><Indic>of a doctor</Indic><Tr>receive fees</Tr><Au>Ar.</Au></vS2><vS2><Indic>of public officials, jurymen, or sim.</Indic><Tr>be paid</Tr><Au>Th. Ar. D. Arist.</Au><Cmpl><GLbl>w.acc.</GLbl>a sum of money<Au>Arist.</Au></Cmpl><Cmpl>w. public money<Au>Ar.</Au></Cmpl><Cmpl>w. the money of corrupt politicians<Au>Lys.</Au></Cmpl></vS2><vS2><Indic>of a disabled citizen</Indic><Tr>receive a grant</Tr><Au>Aeschin.</Au></vS2> </vS1> <vS1><Indic>of troops or sailors</Indic><Def>draw pay</Def><Tr>be paid</Tr><Au>Ar. Arist.</Au><Cmpl><GLbl>w.acc.</GLbl>at a certain rate<Au>Ar.</Au></Cmpl><Cmpl>groats<Expl>i.e. rations</Expl><Au>Ar.</Au></Cmpl> </vS1> <vS1><Indic>specif.</Indic><Def>serve for pay</Def><Tr>be a mercenary</Tr><Au>X. D. Plb. Plu.</Au> </vS1> <vS1><Indic>pejor., of a politician</Indic><Tr>receive pay</Tr><Cmpl><GLbl>w. <Ref>παρά</Ref> + gen.</GLbl>fr. a foreign ruler<Au>D.</Au></Cmpl> </vS1> <vS1><Indic>of houses, draught animals, slaves</Indic><Tr>bring in income<Expl>fr. being let or hired out</Expl></Tr><Au>X. Is.</Au><vSGrm><GLbl>pass.</GLbl><Indic>of money</Indic><Def>be raised through rental or hire</Def><Au>X.</Au></vSGrm> </vS1> </VE>', 'key': 'μισθοφορέω'}