κῶμοςουmoccasion of communal revelryassoc.w. feasting, dancing, singing, drinkingrevel, merrymakinghHom. Hdt. E. specif.revelryby drunken men, either at a symposium or more freq. roaming the streets at night, sts. gate-crashing on individuals or drinking-partiesrevelThgn. Pratin. E.Cyc. Ar. Pl. X.going to the house of one's beloved, w. the intention of pounding at the door or performing a serenadeIs. Bionaccompanied by women, to the houses of their male loversPlu.gener.riotous behaviourPlu. collectv., ref. to a group of persons in the streetsrevel-bandThgn.of satyrs, accompanying Dionysus to a woman's houseE.Cyc.cj.fig., w.gen.of Erinyes, who have drunk bloodA.of doves, whose arrival interrupts a feastE.ref. to BacchantsE.ref. to an armyE.singing by revellerssong of revelryE.Cyc. celebratory revelfor a victorious athlete, involving the victor, his friends, or the poet who sings his praisesvictory-revelPi. B. Call. festive celebrationin honour of a deity, ref. to song and danceAr.festive bandof persons singing in honour of a goddessE.singing the praises of a bride and groomE. app.oxymor.celebrationby mourners, ref. to a funeral lamentE.revelapp. as an event at the DionysiaD.lawsee[κωμάζω] 6
a village festival: a revel, carousal, merry-making
Headword (normalized):
Headword (normalized/stripped):
{'headword_display': '<b>κῶμος</b>', 'content': "<NE><HG><HL>κῶμος</HL><Infl>ου</Infl><PS>m</PS></HG><nS1><Def>occasion of communal revelry<Expl>assoc.w. feasting, dancing, singing, drinking</Expl></Def><Tr>revel, merrymaking</Tr><Au>hHom. Hdt. E.</Au></nS1> <nS1><Indic>specif.</Indic><Def>revelry<Expl>by drunken men, either at a symposium or more freq. roaming the streets at night, sts. gate-crashing on individuals or drinking-parties</Expl></Def><Tr>revel</Tr><Au>Thgn. Pratin. E.<Wk>Cyc.</Wk> Ar. Pl. X.<NBPlus/></Au><nS2><Indic>going to the house of one's beloved, w. the intention of pounding at the door or performing a serenade</Indic><Au>Is. Bion</Au></nS2><nS2><Indic>accompanied by women, to the houses of their male lovers</Indic><Au>Plu.</Au></nS2><nS2><Indic>gener.</Indic><Tr>riotous behaviour</Tr><Au>Plu.</Au></nS2></nS1> <nS1><Indic>collectv., ref. to a group of persons in the streets</Indic><Tr>revel-band</Tr><Au>Thgn.</Au><nS2><Indic>of satyrs, accompanying Dionysus to a woman's house</Indic><Au>E.<Wk>Cyc.</Wk><LblR>cj.</LblR></Au></nS2><nS2><Indic>fig., <GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>of Erinyes, who have drunk blood</Indic><Au>A.</Au></nS2><nS2><Indic>of doves, whose arrival interrupts a feast</Indic><Au>E.</Au></nS2><nS2><Indic>ref. to Bacchants</Indic><Au>E.</Au></nS2><nS2><Indic>ref. to an army</Indic><Au>E.</Au></nS2></nS1><nS1><Def>singing by revellers</Def><Tr>song of revelry</Tr><Au>E.<Wk>Cyc.</Wk></Au></nS1> <nS1><Def>celebratory revel<Expl>for a victorious athlete, involving the victor, his friends, or the poet who sings his praises</Expl></Def><Tr>victory-revel</Tr><Au>Pi. B. Call.</Au></nS1> <nS1><Tr>festive celebration<Expl>in honour of a deity, ref. to song and dance</Expl></Tr><Au>Ar.</Au><nS2><Tr>festive band<Expl>of persons singing in honour of a goddess</Expl></Tr><Au>E.</Au></nS2><nS2><Indic>singing the praises of a bride and groom</Indic><Au>E.</Au></nS2></nS1> <nS1><Indic>app.oxymor.</Indic><Tr>celebration<Expl>by mourners, ref. to a funeral lament</Expl></Tr><Au>E.</Au></nS1><nS1><Tr>revel<Expl>app. as an event at the Dionysia</Expl></Tr><Au>D.<LblR>law</LblR></Au><XR>see<Ref>κωμάζω</Ref> 6</XR></nS1></NE>", 'key': 'κῶμος'}