κοινωνέωcontr.vb of persons, statesform a partnershipalliance
X. Arist.w.dat.w. a person, people, a stateAtt.orats. Pl. Plb. Plu.of animals, in a fableAr. of personsassociate
w.dat.w. someoneE.w.acc.in a relationship of a certain kindPl.have a sexual relationship
w.dat.w. someonePl.of persons lacking true knowledge, their soulsbe in communion, be closely tied
w.dat.w. the bodyPl. of a dead manbe part of, be incorporated into
w.gen.the earthX.pass.of ritualsbe combined or accompaniedw.dat.w. prayersPl. of persons, animals, states, an organisationwork togetherin unison, cooperate, collaborate
Pl. X. Arist.w.dat.w. someonew.gen.in a certain matterAtt.orats. Arist. Plb. Plu.w.dat.prep.phr.in a deed, a crime, seditionPlb. Plu. of persons, statestake part along with othersparticipate in, take part in
w.gen.an action, ritual, discussion, military campaign, civic lifeE. Att.orats. Pl. X. Arist. Men.a treaty, alliance, or sim.Th. X. D. Plb. Plu. of female naturebe an equal participant
w.dat.w. male naturew.prep.phr.in all kinds of workPl. of persons or thingstake part in a wider or universal activitypartake in
w.gen.an activity, way of life, quality or circumstancePl. X. Arist. Plu. of personscome to share inbe privy to
w.gen.a piece of newsA. be a partner in, share in
w.gen.a business, property, sum of money, burial plotw.dat.w. someoneAtt.orats. X. success, failure, risks, a particular fate, someone's ambitionsA. E. Att.orats. X. Plb. Plu. give a shareof sthg., to someoneshare
w.gen.food, drink, resourcesoft. w.dat. w. someoneAr. X. D. Plb. Plu. havesthg.in commonw. othersshare
w.gen.a condition, circumstance, opinionoft. w.dat. w. someoneTrag. Att.orats. Pl. X. Arist. of pleasuresw.prep.phr.in a mixed naturePl. of personsbe in accord, agree
Pl.w.gen.on sthg.Pl. of thingshavew.acc.sthg., nothingin common
w.dat.w. sthg. elseX. Arist.of a phenomenonbe relatedconnected
w.dat.to sthg.Att.orats. Pl.
to have or do in common with
Headword (normalized):
Headword (normalized/stripped):
{'headword_display': '<b>κοινωνέω</b>', 'content': "<VE><vHG><HL>κοινωνέω</HL><PS>contr.vb</PS></vHG> <vS1> <Indic>of persons, states</Indic><Tr>form a partnership<or/>alliance</Tr><Au>X. Arist.</Au><Cmpl><GLbl>w.dat.</GLbl>w. a person, people, a state<Au>Att.orats. Pl. Plb. Plu.</Au></Cmpl><vS2><Indic>of animals, in a fable</Indic><Au>Ar.</Au></vS2> </vS1> <vS1><Indic>of persons</Indic><Tr>associate</Tr><Cmpl><GLbl>w.dat.</GLbl>w. someone<Au>E.</Au></Cmpl><Cmpl><GLbl>w.acc.</GLbl>in a relationship of a certain kind<Au>Pl.</Au></Cmpl><vS2><Tr>have a sexual relationship</Tr><Cmpl><GLbl>w.dat.</GLbl>w. someone<Au>Pl.</Au></Cmpl></vS2><vS2><Indic>of persons lacking true knowledge, their souls</Indic><Tr>be in communion, be closely tied</Tr><Cmpl><GLbl>w.dat.</GLbl>w. the body<Au>Pl.</Au></Cmpl></vS2> <vS2><Indic>of a dead man</Indic><Tr>be part of, be incorporated into</Tr><Cmpl><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>the earth<Au>X.</Au></Cmpl></vS2><vSGrm><GLbl>pass.</GLbl><Indic>of rituals</Indic><Def>be combined or accompanied</Def><Cmpl><GLbl>w.dat.</GLbl>w. prayers<Au>Pl.</Au></Cmpl></vSGrm> </vS1> <vS1><Indic>of persons, animals, states, an organisation</Indic><Tr>work together<or/>in unison, cooperate, collaborate</Tr><Au>Pl. X. Arist.</Au><Cmpl><GLbl>w.dat.</GLbl>w. someone<Expl><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>in a certain matter</Expl><Au>Att.orats. Arist. Plb. Plu.</Au></Cmpl><Cmpl><GLbl>w.dat.<or/>prep.phr.</GLbl>in a deed, a crime, sedition<Au>Plb. Plu.</Au></Cmpl> </vS1> <vS1><Indic>of persons, states</Indic><Def>take part along with others</Def><Tr>participate in, take part in</Tr><Cmpl><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>an action, ritual, discussion, military campaign, civic life<Au>E. Att.orats. Pl. X. Arist. Men.<NBPlus/></Au></Cmpl><Cmpl>a treaty, alliance, or sim.<Au>Th. X. D. Plb. Plu.</Au></Cmpl> <vS2><Indic>of female nature</Indic><Tr>be an equal participant</Tr><Cmpl><GLbl>w.dat.</GLbl>w. male nature<Expl><GLbl>w.prep.phr.</GLbl>in all kinds of work</Expl><Au>Pl.</Au></Cmpl></vS2> </vS1> <vS1><Indic>of persons or things</Indic><Def>take part in a wider or universal activity</Def><vS2><Tr>partake in</Tr><Cmpl><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>an activity, way of life, quality or circumstance<Au>Pl. X. Arist. Plu.</Au></Cmpl></vS2> </vS1> <vS1><Indic>of persons</Indic><Def>come to share in</Def><Tr>be privy to</Tr><Cmpl><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>a piece of news<Au>A.</Au></Cmpl> </vS1> <vS1><Tr>be a partner in, share in</Tr><Cmpl><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>a business, property, sum of money, burial plot<Expl><GLbl>w.dat.</GLbl>w. someone</Expl><Au>Att.orats. X.</Au></Cmpl> <Cmpl>success, failure, risks, a particular fate, someone's ambitions<Au>A. E. Att.orats. X. Plb. Plu.</Au></Cmpl> </vS1> <vS1><Def>give a share<Expl>of sthg., to someone</Expl></Def><vS2><Tr>share</Tr><Cmpl><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>food, drink, resources<Expl>oft. <GLbl>w.dat.</GLbl> w. someone</Expl><Au>Ar. X. D. Plb. Plu.</Au></Cmpl></vS2> </vS1> <vS1><Def>have<Prnth>sthg.</Prnth>in common<Expl>w. others</Expl></Def><vS2><Tr>share</Tr><Cmpl><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>a condition, circumstance, opinion<Expl>oft. <GLbl>w.dat.</GLbl> w. someone</Expl><Au>Trag. Att.orats. Pl. X. Arist.<NBPlus/></Au></Cmpl></vS2> <vS2><Indic>of pleasures</Indic><Cmpl><GLbl>w.prep.phr.</GLbl>in a mixed nature<Au>Pl.</Au></Cmpl></vS2> </vS1> <vS1><Indic>of persons</Indic><Tr>be in accord, agree</Tr><Au>Pl.</Au><Cmpl><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>on sthg.<Au>Pl.</Au></Cmpl> </vS1> <vS1><Indic>of things</Indic><Tr>have<Prnth><GLbl>w.acc.</GLbl>sthg., nothing</Prnth>in common</Tr><Cmpl><GLbl>w.dat.</GLbl>w. sthg. else<Au>X. Arist.</Au></Cmpl><vS2><Indic>of a phenomenon</Indic><Tr>be related<or/>connected</Tr><Cmpl><GLbl>w.dat.</GLbl>to sthg.<Au>Att.orats. Pl.</Au></Cmpl></vS2> </vS1> </VE>", 'key': 'κοινωνέω'}