freltd. [χῶρος1], perh. also [χωρίς] land under one's controlterritory, landesp. of a particular people or ruler
Hom. Pi. Hdt.estateof a particular person
X.territory controlled by a citycountrysideopp. the city itself
Th. Att.orats.land, country, regionref. to a particular place
Pi. Lyr.adesp. Trag. area, spaceoccupied by sthg., or in which sthg. takes place
Il. empty spacespaceref. to the distance or gap betw. two things
Il. position, placeof someone or sthg., esp. as that which is yielded to another
Hom. Alcm. Tyrt. Thgn. Hdt.ref. to the pre-existing position or status of sthg.; oft. w.connot. of stability, as in phr. μένειν κατὰ χώραν remain in place, sts. of laws, truces, or sim. remain in forceHdt. Th.ref. to a particular locationplace, spot
Hom. hHom.specif.military position
X.suitable locationfor a particular kind of plant
Pl. proper place, proper configurationof sthg., esp. in ctxts. of setting sthg. to rights
Pi. X. specif.appointed positionstation, postof a soldier; also fig., of Ares
A. Hdt.postpositionwithin an army, as filled by a soldier
Aeschin. position, status, esteemaccorded to a person
Thgn. X. Plb.w.gen.of a slave, i.e. equiv. to that of a slaveX.
No short def.
Headword (normalized):
Headword (normalized/stripped):
{'headword_display': '<b>χώρᾱ</b>', 'content': "<NE><HG><HL>χώρᾱ</HL><Infl>ᾱς</Infl><DL><Lbl>Ion.</Lbl><FmHL>χώρη</FmHL><DInfl><FmInfl>ης</FmInfl></DInfl></DL><PS>f</PS><Ety>reltd. <Ref>χῶρος<Hm>1</Hm></Ref>, perh. also <Ref>χωρίς</Ref></Ety></HG> <nS1><Def>land under one's control</Def><Tr>territory, land<Expl>esp. of a particular people or ruler</Expl></Tr><Au>Hom. Pi. Hdt.<NBPlus/></Au><nS2><Tr>estate<Expl>of a particular person</Expl></Tr><Au>X.</Au></nS2></nS1><nS1><Def>territory controlled by a city</Def><nS2><Tr>countryside<Expl>opp. the city itself</Expl></Tr><Au>Th. Att.orats.<NBPlus/></Au></nS2></nS1><nS1><Tr>land, country, region<Expl>ref. to a particular place</Expl></Tr><Au>Pi. Lyr.adesp. Trag.<NBPlus/></Au></nS1> <nS1><Tr>area, space<Expl>occupied by sthg., or in which sthg. takes place</Expl></Tr><Au>Il.<NBPlus/></Au></nS1> <nS1><Def>empty space</Def><Tr>space<Expl>ref. to the distance or gap betw. two things</Expl></Tr><Au>Il.</Au></nS1> <nS1><Tr>position, place<Expl>of someone or sthg., esp. as that which is yielded to another</Expl></Tr><Au>Hom. Alcm. Tyrt. Thgn. Hdt.<NBPlus/></Au><nS2><Indic>ref. to the pre-existing position or status of sthg.; oft. w.connot. of stability, as in phr. <Gr>μένειν κατὰ χώραν</Gr> <ital>remain in place</ital>, sts. of laws, truces, or sim. <ital>remain in force</ital></Indic><Au>Hdt. Th.<NBPlus/></Au></nS2></nS1><nS1><Indic>ref. to a particular location</Indic><Tr>place, spot</Tr><Au>Hom. hHom.</Au><nS2><Indic>specif.</Indic><Tr>military position</Tr><Au>X.</Au></nS2></nS1><nS1><Tr>suitable location<Expl>for a particular kind of plant</Expl></Tr><Au>Pl.</Au></nS1> <nS1><Tr>proper place, proper configuration<Expl>of sthg., esp. in ctxts. of setting sthg. to rights</Expl></Tr><Au>Pi. X.</Au></nS1> <nS1><Indic>specif.</Indic><Def>appointed position</Def><Tr>station, post<Expl>of a soldier; also fig., of Ares</Expl></Tr><Au>A. Hdt.<NBPlus/></Au><nS2><Tr>post<or/>position<Expl>within an army, as filled by a soldier</Expl></Tr><Au>Aeschin.</Au></nS2></nS1> <nS1><Tr>position, status, esteem<Expl>accorded to a person</Expl></Tr><Au>Thgn. X. Plb.</Au><nS2><Indic><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>of a slave, i.e. equiv. to that of a slave</Indic><Au>X.</Au></nS2></nS1> </NE>", 'key': 'χώρᾱ'}