χθόνιοςᾱIon.ηονalsoος ονadj[χθών] in or beneath the earthof a cave, foundations, the entrance to Hadesin the earth, under the ground, subterranean
Pi. Call. AR.of a noise, thunder, ref. to the sound of an earthquakefrom beneath the earth
A. E. Ar.of the sound of cymbals, envisaged as thunderas if from the earth
E. belonging to a particular landof goddesses, nymphsof the land, local
AR.of the Areopagus, as hill and tribunalnative, indigenous
S.sprung from the earthof the descendants of Erekhtheus, the sown-man Ekhion and the ancestry of his sonearth-born
S. E.of a serpentAR. fem.sb.personif., as a goddessEarthEmp. of or relating to the goddess Earthof the angerof Earth
E.of the GorgonEarth-born
E. in or belonging to the underworldof the dead, their mindsin the underworld
A. Pi. E.of a lake, path, dwelling, darknessS. E. Pl.of a messagefor those in the underworld
S.masc.pl.sb.inhabitants of the underworldA. E.fr.of the Titans, Typhonbeneath the earthas a punishment
Hes. A.of deities, such as Hades, Hekate, Persephone, the Fatesof the underworld, chthonic
Hes. B. Lyr.adesp. Hdt. Trag. Pl.of dogs, accompanying HekateAR.masc.pl.sb.gods of the underworld, chthonic godsA. Pi. Pl. Plu.fem.sb.chthonic goddess, Chthoniaref. to DemeterE. Plu.fem.du.sb.chthonic goddessesref. to Demeter and PersephoneAr. specif., of Zeuschthonicresponsible for subterranean thunder, sts. identified w. Hades
Hes. A.fr. S.of Hermes, as conductor of the dead to HadesTrag. Ar. Plu.of his functionAr. having characteristics associated with the underworldof a person's dispositiongloomy, sullen
in, under, beneath the earth; of the earth; of the underworld
Headword (normalized):
Headword (normalized/stripped):
{'headword_display': '<b>χθόνιος</b>', 'content': "<AE><HG><HL>χθόνιος</HL><Infl>ᾱ<VInfl><Lbl>Ion.</Lbl><FmInfl>η</FmInfl></VInfl>ον<VInfl><Lbl>also</Lbl><FmInfl>ος ον</FmInfl></VInfl></Infl><PS>adj</PS><Ety><Ref>χθών</Ref></Ety></HG> <aS1><Def>in or beneath the earth</Def><aS2><Indic>of a cave, foundations, the entrance to Hades</Indic><Tr>in the earth, under the ground, subterranean</Tr><Au>Pi. Call. AR.</Au></aS2></aS1><aS1><Indic>of a noise, thunder, ref. to the sound of an earthquake</Indic><Tr>from beneath the earth</Tr><Au>A. E. Ar.</Au><aS2><Indic>of the sound of cymbals, envisaged as thunder</Indic><Tr>as if from the earth</Tr><Au>E.</Au></aS2></aS1> <aS1><Def>belonging to a particular land</Def><aS2><Indic>of goddesses, nymphs</Indic><Tr>of the land, local</Tr><Au>AR.</Au></aS2><aS2><Indic>of the Areopagus, as hill and tribunal</Indic><Tr>native, indigenous</Tr><Au>S.</Au></aS2></aS1><aS1><Def>sprung from the earth</Def><aS2><Indic>of the descendants of Erekhtheus, the sown-man Ekhion and the ancestry of his son</Indic><Tr>earth-born</Tr><Au>S. E.</Au></aS2><aS2><Indic>of a serpent</Indic><Au>AR.</Au></aS2></aS1> <aS1><SGrm><GLbl>fem.sb.</GLbl><Indic>personif., as a goddess</Indic><Def>Earth</Def><Au>Emp.</Au></SGrm></aS1> <aS1><Def>of or relating to the goddess Earth</Def><aS2><Indic>of the anger</Indic><Tr>of Earth</Tr><Au>E.</Au></aS2><aS2><Indic>of the Gorgon</Indic><Tr>Earth-born</Tr><Au>E.</Au></aS2></aS1> <aS1><Def>in or belonging to the underworld</Def><aS2><Indic>of the dead, their minds</Indic><Tr>in the underworld</Tr><Au>A. Pi. E.</Au></aS2><aS2><Indic>of a lake, path, dwelling, darkness</Indic><Au>S. E. Pl.</Au></aS2><aS2><Indic>of a message</Indic><Tr>for those in the underworld</Tr><Au>S.</Au></aS2><SGrm><GLbl>masc.pl.sb.</GLbl><Def>inhabitants of the underworld</Def><Au>A. E.<Wk>fr.</Wk></Au></SGrm></aS1><aS1><Indic>of the Titans, Typhon</Indic><Tr>beneath the earth<Expl>as a punishment</Expl></Tr><Au>Hes. A.</Au></aS1><aS1><Indic>of deities, such as Hades, Hekate, Persephone, the Fates</Indic><Tr>of the underworld, chthonic</Tr><Au>Hes. B. Lyr.adesp. Hdt. Trag. Pl.<NBPlus/></Au><aS2><Indic>of dogs, accompanying Hekate</Indic><Au>AR.</Au></aS2><SGrm><GLbl>masc.pl.sb.</GLbl><Def>gods of the underworld, chthonic gods</Def><Au>A. Pi. Pl. Plu.</Au></SGrm><SGrm><GLbl>fem.sb.</GLbl><Def>chthonic goddess, Chthonia<Expl>ref. to Demeter</Expl></Def><Au>E. Plu.</Au></SGrm><SGrm><GLbl>fem.du.sb.</GLbl><Def>chthonic goddesses<Expl>ref. to Demeter and Persephone</Expl></Def><Au>Ar.</Au></SGrm></aS1> <aS1><Indic>specif., of Zeus</Indic><Tr>chthonic<Expl>responsible for subterranean thunder, sts. identified w. Hades</Expl></Tr><Au>Hes. A.<Wk>fr.</Wk> S.</Au><aS2><Indic>of Hermes, as conductor of the dead to Hades</Indic><Au>Trag. Ar. Plu.</Au></aS2><aS2><Indic>of his function</Indic><Au>Ar.</Au></aS2></aS1> <aS1><Def>having characteristics associated with the underworld</Def><aS2><Indic>of a person's disposition</Indic><Tr>gloomy, sullen</Tr><Au>Anacr.</Au></aS2></aS1></AE>", 'key': 'χθόνιος'}