ἐπ-ώνυμοςονadj[ὄνομα] bearing a name given to indicatean essential aspect of one's nature or an event w. which one is associatedof a named person or placeso named, with the name specially chosenfor a reason stated or implied
Il. hHom. A. Emp. E.fr.of a namegiven to indicatethe nature or associations of its bearerspecially chosenfor a reason stated or implied
Od. Hes. bearing a nameindicating origin or associationswhich is derived from an already existing nameof a streambearing one's name
A.of persons, places or thingsnamed afterw.gen.someone or sthg.
Hes.fr. Pi. Hdt. Trag. Pl. D.w. [ἐπί] + gen.Hdt.w.dat.Pl. Plb.of a namederivedw.gen.fr. someone
E.gener., of a personcelebrated because ofw.gen.an event
Plu.of a goddessbearing a further namealso calledw.predic.adj.such and such
Hdt.w.gen.by many namesS.fr.of placesnamedafter someone or sthg.with local names
Plb.or perh. with distinctive epithetsnamed so as to reflectone's nature or essential qualitiesof gods, personstruly named
A. E.w.gen.after sthg.E.in neg.phr., of a person's state of mindtrue to the nameof mother
A.of a man, w.gen.of maiden, i.e. girlishA.of a device on a shieldtrue in meaningfor the bearer of the shield
A.of a nameall too trueto the nature of its bearer
A. S. of a god, a persongiving one's namew.gen.to a land, tribe, people
S. E. Lycurg. D.of an object, to a personS. masc.sg.sb.at Athenshero whose name is givento one of the ten tribeseponymous herow.gen.of a tribeD. Arist.pl.sb.collectv.eponymous heroessts. ref. to their statues in the agora, in front of which official notices were displayedAtt.orats. Arist. Plb.w.gen.of the tribesArist. masc.sg.sb.at Athenshero whose name is givento one of forty-two year-groups of men, aged eighteen to sixty, as a way of marking eligibility for military service and certain public officeseponymous heroof a year-groupArist.pl.sb.collectv.eponymous heroessts. w.gen.of year-groupsArist.phr.ἐν τοῖς ἐπωνύμοιςinvolving the same year-groupref. to military serviceAeschin.
given as a name
Headword (normalized):
Headword (normalized/stripped):
{'headword_display': '<b>ἐπ-ώνυμος</b>', 'content': "<AE><HG><HL>ἐπ-ώνυμος</HL><Infl>ον</Infl><PS>adj</PS><Ety><Ref>ὄνομα</Ref></Ety></HG> <aS1><Def>bearing a name given to indicate<Expl>an essential aspect of one's nature or an event w. which one is associated</Expl></Def><aS2><Indic>of a named person or place</Indic><Tr>so named, with the name specially chosen<Expl>for a reason stated or implied</Expl></Tr><Au>Il. hHom. A. Emp. E.<Wk>fr.</Wk></Au></aS2></aS1><aS1><Indic>of a name</Indic><Def>given to indicate<Expl>the nature or associations of its bearer</Expl></Def><Tr>specially chosen<Expl>for a reason stated or implied</Expl></Tr><Au>Od. Hes.</Au></aS1> <aS1><Def>bearing a name<Prnth>indicating origin or associations</Prnth>which is derived from an already existing name</Def><aS2><Indic>of a stream</Indic><Tr>bearing one's name</Tr><Au>A.</Au></aS2><aS2><Indic>of persons, places or things</Indic><Tr>named after<Expl><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>someone or sthg.</Expl></Tr><Au>Hes.<Wk>fr.</Wk> Pi. Hdt. Trag. Pl. D.<NBPlus/></Au></aS2><aS2><Indic><GLbl>w. <Ref>ἐπί</Ref> + gen.</GLbl></Indic><Au>Hdt.</Au></aS2><aS2><Indic><GLbl>w.dat.</GLbl></Indic><Au>Pl. Plb.</Au></aS2><aS2><Indic>of a name</Indic><Tr>derived<Expl><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>fr. someone</Expl></Tr><Au>E.</Au></aS2><aS2><Indic>gener., of a person</Indic><Tr>celebrated because of<Expl><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>an event</Expl></Tr><Au>Plu.</Au></aS2></aS1><aS1><Indic>of a goddess</Indic><Def>bearing a further name</Def><Tr>also called<Expl><GLbl>w.predic.adj.</GLbl>such and such</Expl></Tr><Au>Hdt.</Au><aS2><Indic><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>by many names</Indic><Au>S.<Wk>fr.</Wk></Au></aS2></aS1><aS1><Indic>of places</Indic><Def>named<Expl>after someone or sthg.</Expl></Def><Tr>with local names</Tr><Au>Plb.</Au><Extra>or perh. <ital>with distinctive epithets</ital></Extra></aS1><aS1><Def>named so as to reflect<Expl>one's nature or essential qualities</Expl></Def><aS2><Indic>of gods, persons</Indic><Tr>truly named</Tr><Au>A. E.</Au></aS2><aS2><Indic><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>after sthg.</Indic><Au>E.</Au></aS2><aS2><Indic>in neg.phr., of a person's state of mind</Indic><Tr>true to the name<Expl>of mother</Expl></Tr><Au>A.</Au></aS2><aS2><Indic>of a man, <GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>of maiden, i.e. girlish</Indic><Au>A.</Au></aS2><aS2><Indic>of a device on a shield</Indic><Tr>true in meaning<Expl>for the bearer of the shield</Expl></Tr><Au>A.</Au></aS2><aS2><Indic>of a name</Indic><Tr>all too true<Expl>to the nature of its bearer</Expl></Tr><Au>A. S.</Au></aS2></aS1> <aS1><Indic>of a god, a person</Indic><Tr>giving one's name<Expl><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>to a land, tribe, people</Expl></Tr><Au>S. E. Lycurg. D.</Au><aS2><Indic>of an object, to a person</Indic><Au>S.</Au></aS2></aS1> <aS1><SGrm><GLbl>masc.sg.sb.</GLbl><Indic>at Athens</Indic><Def>hero whose name is given<Expl>to one of the ten tribes</Expl></Def><aS2><Def>eponymous hero<Expl><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>of a tribe</Expl></Def><Au>D. Arist.</Au></aS2></SGrm><SGrm><GLbl>pl.sb.</GLbl><Indic>collectv.</Indic><Def>eponymous heroes<Expl>sts. ref. to their statues in the agora, in front of which official notices were displayed</Expl></Def><Au>Att.orats. Arist. Plb.</Au><aS2><Indic><GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>of the tribes</Indic><Au>Arist.</Au></aS2></SGrm></aS1> <aS1><SGrm><GLbl>masc.sg.sb.</GLbl><Indic>at Athens</Indic><Def>hero whose name is given<Expl>to one of forty-two year-groups of men, aged eighteen to sixty, as a way of marking eligibility for military service and certain public offices</Expl></Def><aS2><Def>eponymous hero<Expl>of a year-group</Expl></Def><Au>Arist.</Au></aS2></SGrm><SGrm><GLbl>pl.sb.</GLbl><Indic>collectv.</Indic><Def>eponymous heroes<Expl>sts. <GLbl>w.gen.</GLbl>of year-groups</Expl></Def><Au>Arist.</Au><aS2><Phr><Indic>phr.</Indic><Gr>ἐν τοῖς ἐπωνύμοις</Gr><TrPhr>involving the same year-group<Expl>ref. to military service</Expl></TrPhr><Au>Aeschin.</Au></Phr></aS2></SGrm></aS1></AE>", 'key': 'ἐπώνυμος'}