Hear, all brother Christians, what the prophets say: Study and learn that I am God , and again it says: This is the day the Lord made. Let us praise and rejoice in it. . Because on the holy day of the Lord the archangel Gabrial announced to the Mother of God the conception . Because on the holy day of the Lord God appeared to Mose in the bush . And on the holy day of the Lord he received the baptism from the hand of the forerunner and on the holy day of the Lord the Lord made the ressurection and on the holy day of the Lord the Lord will judge the whole world . And before the Lord went down to earth, the holy day of the Lord was called first day. Moses gave the Hebrews the sabbath and they keep it and do not transgress it. But since the Lord came down to earth, he fulfilled the old law and gave us the new testament that we keep it; therefore, just as the Lord is in regard to the world, likewise is the holy day of the Lord in regard to all days of the week. And whoever honours the holy day of the Lord, honours God, as the Lord is the day of the Lord. Who honours the holy day of the Lord becomes an inhabitant of the paradise. Who honours the holy day of the Lord lives with the angels. Who honours it, is glorified together with the martyrs. Who honours it, his house and all his actions are praised. Who honours it becomes a friend of god. Who honours it, the Lord honours him and god gives him a great amount of grain and of wine and of oil. And that man is praised who honours the holy day of the Lord, and all his belongings are praised. Who honours it has god as a mighty friend. And who honours it becomes heir to the kingdom of heavens. And what should I say? There is no other day of greater meaning and honour than the day of the Lord, as it is higher and of more honour and greater than the heavens. Hear, brothers, what good has who honours it. Who does not honour the holy day of the Lord is found as enemy of god. Who does not honour it has no part in paradise. Who does not honour it is no friend of the saints. Who does not honour it is not fed by god and man. Who does not honour it has the devil himself as friend and god as adversary. Who does not honour it is friend of daemons. Who does not honour it has no part in the church. Who does not honour it is cursed, his house and his works. Who does not honour it, much will be in his way. Who does not honour it has no good for his soul. And if someone hears the semantron on saturday or on the day of the Lord and does not go to church – unless he has a severe disease –, whatever work he does, it is cursed. On the holy day of the Lord man has no permission, not even to go for a walk, as the apostle says: nobody should walk around cunningly, nobody should go to law, nobody should bear malice, but go to church with a clean conscience, so that he may receive reward by god and eternal life. Who does not honour the holy day of the Lord has no part with the apostles, has no part with the pious. Who does not honour it can never do any good in his heart. Who does not honour it has the Jews as friends, because they do not even know the holy day of the Lord.