Now, be content, my beloved, to work on six days for your business and to cease wrongdoings on the day of the Lord. I know many who have troubles with each other and are fighting and say: ‘The day of the Lord comes and we have a trial.’ Oh wretched and miserable man! You are ordered to pray on the day of the Lord, not to organize courts of justice! Now the day of the Lord comes and the one who has a trial premeditates the whole night what he has against his neighbor and when the sunrise comes he arms himself against him. This custom is custom with most people that they sit outside when they leave the church and often the presbyter acts like that in the first place, and then they throw affairs at each other, disputes, insolences, reproaches, and such things and even worse things than that. Then they reenter the church and look angrily on each other like wild animals that creak with their teeth. Woe to the presbyter who sets such things in motion or sits in judgment on the day of the Lord and does not give his prayers to the Lord at the set hour! But if someone tastes from the common things before the release, he is liable to great judgment and punishment. And if he had tasted and has communion in the mysteries, then his part is that of the traitor Judas . I know many who tasted and took part on the day of the holy Pascha and woe to their soul, even more, if they are in adult age, that they instead of releasing their sins load even more on themselves. But also who has acknowledged bad deeds to himself and has had communion before he wiped them off through repentance is liable to the same judgment. For the bigger the day the bigger the sin. And those who are not without blame need to be strong until the release and need to have communion in that way. Woe to those who play lyre on the day of the Lord or dance or get judged or sit as judges or work or take an oath or make one swear, that they will be condemned to inextinguishable fire and their part is with the hypocrites. For that day was given to us for prayer and for atonement of evil, for repentance and for salvation, for rest of hired laborers and of servants.