There is (lit. can be) a prophet, since the prophecy was corrupted from the unworthy, as it is written: a prophet will be put forward by God the Lord from among your brothers, like me. There is an apostle and bishop like it is said: Look at the apostle and bishop of your calling Jesus. There is also a priest, as the hymnographer says: You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek. There is also a brother and servant, as the valiant Paul says: that he might be firstborn among many brothers and again for I say , he says, Christ to be servant through circumcision, so as to confirm the promises of the Fathers . For everybody comes in rank, and there can be also a reader: let us receive Isaiah, he reads, like the Gospel says and the prophetic voices announce, and respects the offering altar of the church. There was also a king of kings, as Nathanael says: Rabbi, You are the Son of God, You are the King of Israel . But maybe someone says from the present standing: for what is to me the people, if with prophecies and apostleship and priestership dressed? What is to me, part of the peoples’ rank? For even more for all men there was a man who loves men. If you want him also as part of the people to see for your sake, judge for yourself and see the wanting to speak. For is it not a matter of confession, the baptizing in the land of the priest, who baptizes in the rank of people? For look at John, who baptized in the rank of priest, and baptized Christ in the rank of people. For today, brothers, today, as we executing the handling (oikonomia) of the waters, we don’t make holy from the water, but give holiness to the waters. And John, executing the habit of the priest, begins, and the Redeemer of the universe being baptized in the water to John, of the baptized in Spirit, the King to the Forerunner, God to the prophet. He? did not understand the worthiness of the handling, the bodily habit didn’t confuse him, he wasn’t tempted by the invisible power of the visible form , which preaches to the ignorant. For he is a holy lamp, a divine lamp, about him it is said : I prepared a lamp to My Christ , said by the prophet. For a lamp is named John, not thorough God’s words, to the true light, for there is a use to the lamp: for it is a righteous sun. But because he recognized God in the body of the baptized one, as in the night, of the Jewish order of things, shining the light of godly words. He is called the lamp rightfully. And see the divine, brothers. When he came to the bodily handling (oikonomia), for the despot has come to us, he was a man for the sake of love of men, and a strange miracle: God in the man, in the slave a despot, the creator with the creations, the sanctifier with the sanctified. Then John preached the worthiness and the terrifying and glorious miracle: lamp receiving the righteous sun. For the Lord who redeems everybody is baptised by a man who needs redemption , not with the daring of supremacy, but in serving the command. For it was then, that two prophetic voices came together: the voice crying in the wilderness, and the voice in the waters. A true preacher praises and the God of glory thunders. And there was the venerable Trinity, lightening its glory. The Father from high preaching the Son, the Son below executing the godly handling, the Spirit sealing the godly sacrament. And there was a voice then witnessing high to the Father of the Only Begotten, like the heavens opened: for Jesus went out of the water, the heavens opened: for it was not endured the voice of such witnessing, the terrifying godly handling. But see the miraculous: this voice opened the heavens, but the heretics were not afraid. This is my beloved Son, listen to Him . Because the law anticipated by preaching, and the prophets annunciating, so that no one with the first state of Jewish service, thrusting away the yoke of the grace of the gospel. The godly voice thinks the same from great worthiness. Listen to Him . To Him, who revealed, as Christ: for Christ is the fulfillment of the Law, Jesus is the fulfillment of the virtuous. For if the blessing of the law was apprehended, but there was no fulfillment, for the? waiting for our Lord, about Him did the miraculous Paul say: for Christ is the fulfillment of the Law. If you want, from the things clearly I will present to you the truth, proof of what was said. Listen precisely. Moses the law-giver ordered to divide into twelve tribes of Jerusalem and six of these tribes to go up to Mount Gebal six to Mount Garizim, and ordered to the ones to bless, and to the others to curse: to bless the ones who keep right the law, and to curse those who disobey. What therefore? Of all curses there was a seal: for the Levites say: cursed is the one who leaves the Law of the Lord. And all the people say Amen. And to each commandment follows but amin to the curses. About the blessing say the Levites: blessed are the ones keeping the Law of the Lord, blessed in the field, blessed in the city, blessed in the battle and no amen on any of the blessed. What therefore, the curses receive a seal, the blessing doesn’t receive the seal. What therefore wants the composition? What does the foretelling say? If I will be strong, I will try to come through, winged by your love: for an accusation of the curse was the fulfilling law, an annunciation the sanctioning Jesus. Was unfulfilled blessing because it was fitting the law to be given by the law, and to keep the gospel’s grace. For the sake of this were the blessings, since they were looking for the addition of amen . Words and so that no one thinks that the grace is forced, but moreover, witnessing from the very truth , hear the wise Paul, who says: Our Lord Jesus Christ was not in him yes and now, but all in him was yes. For how many promises of God are in him, they are yes. And itself for amen to the glory of God . From here the said things are to be understood from the apostle himself: when dead in sins and with our uncircumcision in flesh, with Himself he made us alive. He forgave us all sins, cancelled the handwriting. Because all handwritings is sanctioned by the dictation of the law-writer and the signature of the borrower, and when, and where and how it was. They have that foretold guilt, since the law negating the curses, the amen of the people that signed, was heard. Jesus was fulfilled with blessings, appeared in Jordan, and the prophecy of Isaiah was fulfilled. For Isaiah said: let the deserts of Jordan rejoice, as the glory of Lebanon is given to her and the honor of Carmel. The word is unclear, but appeared with the grace of God.