Lebanon says the scripture of Jerusalem here, and don’t think the word is forced. Ezekiel is witnessing about the King Nabuchadnezar, saying: a great eagle, large-winged, spread-winged and full of claws came to Lebanon and took the chosen of the cedar of Lebanon and took it away to Babylon. But who was the chosen? Because Sedek tied the king, Joachim, and the priests and the bishops: this was the chosen of Lebanon, and took to Babylon, this is what is said, that the glory of Lebanon was given to her. Because the priesthood of Jerusalem and the prophecies all came to John, and all of Jerusalem, having left the offering, came out to take the baptism of John. And anticipating the prophet says about the deserts of Jordan, the glory of Lebanon was given to her and the honour of Carmel. And which honor? Hear, in passing. Elijah was the honor of Carmel: for Elijah was a prophet in Carmel. And since John came with the spirit and power of Elijah, that’s why this is said: given was the honour of Carmel in the desert. For John was the new Elijah in the desert, about him the Saviour says: if you want to receive, here is Elijah, who wanted to come. For Elijah lived once in the desert, but now John precisely says: the glory of Lebanon was given to her and the honor of Carmel. For now, beloved ones, the glory didn’t not fulfill only the desert, but all the universe: for today there are on all the earth songs and theology. From the evening until now people are standing, having with songs won the song (sleep?), and the grace revealed itself, and the nature not being disgraced. And further in details (clearly). For as the iron is united with fire, if it was, not for anybody appears, but if it wasn’t, it is dressed, not putting aside the nature, but receiving light in the nature, so we, being worthy of the Holy Spirit, are casting away the bodily and are being dressed with graceful action. The standing church is shining all night, and what is said about her is being fulfilled: there was evening, and there was morning, a day. The night didn’t have darkness: for it is being lit by the godly word, as the saying of David : and the night is the light of my food, as the darkness is not darkening from You, and the night like the day is lit. How much goodness lights the church, throwing light on her, like a crown of beauty worthy of kingly crowns, it was given by the God of the universe. From a good root springs a good branch. When I say this, to the twin brothers and to a kingly agreement I sing the godly word of the truth: brother is helped by a brother, as the city is strong, and as the kingdom is fortified. These are the two dark olives, as standing before God of all the earth, the flowers of honor, the pillars of truth, supporting the church, because Christ is supporting the kingdom. I see the branches with the roots of the blessed king, shining with the children: the glory of the righteous is not dead, the righteous will be in eternal memory. Do you see how He? is shining with his image? An image not without soul, but with an alive image. I look at the anticipation, and I fear/wonder: how all is scattered by the fighting monster, to the faithful great king . The faith of that father is supporting the children of the kingdom. God leads that king, and leads his offspring, for from the same good root they grew. Let us pray, brothers, to keep the lamps of Christian good-ranking, the branches of olive, two lamps of the honor, supports of the church. But let no one think that the words are flattery, but true things. If he says, the man is supporting the church? And much so. Or don’t you know that God gave much to the man, and asks little from us: he gave manna in the desert, and asks for bread from the priest, saying: put on the table bread before Me. He gave a pillar of fire, saying: put a lamp before Me. He gives the source of light and lends the lamp, and with it I give, I show the abundance, and with it serve, fulfill the gratefulness. Let the church be first again lit by? the holy fathers. But the words should see a measure: don’t say a measure to the word, but listen. Because your bodies are weary from easy effort, it needs to measure the word, and here to form it, and to be lit with godly grace. Let the Holy Trinity thus lit us, the father’s ministry over all the abundance of the church. And how flowery and color-worked is the priestly (lit. church) dress, reflecting the sun’s ray, and lighting the walls, and the carpets and the standing people. And whatever the color of the goodness will be, it will make the color-work of the air, either golden, or green, or red, or whatever the art of the color-work is adorned with, so the church sometimes receives the ray of prophecy, sometimes the action of the Gospel’s grace, as it stands according to the prophetic voice, shining with colorful garments, as it is said: a queen is presented to Your right hand, in golden garments adorned. Why she was presented? Paul is saying the truth, saying, She was presented to himself as a glorious church, not having stains or wrinkles or anything else. Let it be to us, brothers, to be lit by the godly grace, and to give glory to the Holiest God, as it is fitting all glory, honor, power, magnificence, forever and ever. Amen.