It is surprising, gentlemen of the Council, that the fact of our reconcilement is so keenly disputed, and that, while he cannot deny his having restored the yoke of oxen, the slaves, amid all the goods on the estate that he received under the exchange, Apparently an exchange of property in the matter of a λειτουργία . See note on Lys. 3.20 , and Lys. 4 , Introd. he denies, in face of the settlement clearly made on every point, that we agreed to share the woman between us. It is plain that he made the exchange because of her; and the only reason he can give—if he wishes to speak the truth—for having restored what he received is that our friends reconciled us on all these matters. I could wish that he had not been omitted by lot from the judges at the Dionysia, The great dramatic festival, held about the end of March. Ten judges of the contests seem to have been appointed beforehand, but only some of these were chosen by lot for the actual recording of votes. so that you might have seen clearly that he had been reconciled to me, from his decision that my tribe was the winner. In fact he recorded it thus on his tablet, but he was omitted by lot. My statement on this is true, as Philinus and Diocles know: but it is not possible for them to testify when they have not taken oath Witnesses must have taken a solemn oath at a preliminary stage before they could come before the Areopagus. upon the charge laid against me; you would then have perceived clearly that it was we who proposed him as judge, and that it was on account of us that he went on the bench. But—if he will have it so—he was our enemy: I grant him that, for it makes no difference. So then I went myself to kill him, as he says, and forced my way into his house. Why, then, did I not kill him, having his person in my power, and having got the upper hand to the extent of taking the woman? Let him explain it to you: but he cannot tell you.