But, quite apart from this, control over the tongue, which is no small part of virtue, is something which it is impossible to keep always in subjection and obedience to the reasoning faculties, unless a man by training, practice, and industry has mastered the worst of his emotions, such as anger, for example. For the voice that slips out unintended, A picturesque experssion several times used by Homer, e.g. Il. iv. 350; xiv. 83; Od. i. 64; xxiii. 70. The source of the other two quotations is unknown. and the Word that has ’scaped the lips’ prison, A picturesque experssion several times used by Homer, e.g. Il. iv. 350; xiv. 83; Od. i. 64; xxiii. 70. The source of the other two quotations is unknown. and Some of the sayings that flit forth of themselves, A picturesque experssion several times used by Homer, e.g. Il. iv. 350; xiv. 83; Od. i. 64; xxiii. 70. The source of the other two quotations is unknown. are all incident to temperaments that are quite untrained, and are unsteady and fluctuating, so to speak, owing to weakness of will, headstrong opinions, and a reckless way of living. Just for a word, the lightest thing in the world, is ordained, according to the divine Plato, Plato, Laws , pp. 717 C and 935 A. Plutarch quotes it again in Moralia , 456 D and 505 C. heaviest punishment, coming from both gods and men. But silence cannot under any circumstances be called to an accounting (it is more than a preventive of thirst, as Hippocrates Cf. Moralia , 515 A. says of it), and in the midst of reviling it is e.g. II. iv. 350; xiv. 83; Od. i. 64; xxiii. 70. The source of the other two quotations is unknown. b Plato, Laws, pp. 717 c and 935 a. Plutarch quotes it again in Moralia , 456 d and 505 c. c Cf. Moralia , 515 a. dignified and Socratic, or rather Heraclean, if it be true that Heracles Not so much as to a fly gave heed to words of hatred. Source unknown; the story in Pausanias, v. 14, is not to the point. Indeed, there is nothing more dignified and noble than to maintain a calm demeanour when an enemy reviles one, Passing by a man’s scoffs Just as swimmers swim past a precipitous rock, The source of the quotation is not known. but far more important is the practice. If you once acquire the habit of bearing an enemy’s abuse in silence, you will very easily bear up under a wife’s attack when she rails at you, and without discomposure will patiently hear the most bitter utterances of a friend or a brother; and when you meet with blows or missiles at the hands of a father or mother, you will show no sign of passion or wrath. For instance, Socrates bore with Xanthippe, Xenophon, Symposium , 2. 10. who was irascible and acrimonious, for he thought that he should have no difficulty in getting along with other people if he accustomed himself to bear patiently with her; but it is much better to secure this training from the scurrilous, angry, scoffing, and abusive attacks of enemies and outsiders, and thus accustom the temper to be unruffled and not even impatient in the midst of reviling. In this manner, then, it is possible for us to display the qualities of gentleness and forbearance in connexion with our enmities, and also straightforwardness, magnanimity, and goodness better than in our friendships. For it is not so honourable to do a good turn to a friend as it is disgraceful not to do it when he is in need; but even to forgo taking Xenophon, Symposium, 2. 10. vengeance on an enemy when he offers a good opportunity is a handsome thing to do. But in case a man shows compassion for an enemy in affliction, and gives a helping hand to him when he has come to be in need, and displays some concern and zeal in behalf of his children and his household affairs when they come to want, I say that whosoever does not feel affection for such a man because of his kindliness, or does not commend his goodness, Hath a black heart Forged from adamant or else from steel. Part of a longer fragment of Pindar; cf. Pindar, Frag. 123 (ed. Christ); quoted again by Plutarch, Moralia , 558 A. When Caesar gave orders that the statues in honour of Pompey, which had been thrown down, should be restored, Cicero Plutarch repeats this story in Moralia , 205 D; Life of Caesar , chap. lvii. (p. 734 E), and Life of Cicero , chap. xl. (p. 881 D). Cf. Suetonius, Caesar , 75. said to him, You have restored Pompey’s statues, but you have made your own secure. Wherefore there must be no scanting of commendation or due honour in the case of an enemy who has justly gained a fair repute. For such an attitude wins greater commendation for those who bestow it, and inspires confidence, when later a man makes a complaint that he does so, not because he hates the person, but because he disapproves of the action. But best of all, and most advantageous, is the fact that a man is farthest removed from envying the good fortune of his friends or the success of his relatives, if he has acquired the habit of commending his enemies, and feeling no pang and cherishing no grudge when they prosper. And yet what other process of training produces greater benefit to our souls or a better disposition, than does that which takes from us all our jealousy and our proneness to envy ? Just as many of the things which are necessary in war, but bad under other conditions, when they once acquire the sanction of custom and law, cannot easily be abolished by the people even though the people are being injured by them, so enmity introduces envy along with hatred, and leaves as a residue jealousy, joy over others’ misfortunes, and vindictiveness. Moreover, knavery, deceit, and intrigue, which seem not bad or unjust when employed against an enemy, if once they find a lodgement, acquire a permanent tenure, and are hard to eject. The next thing is that men of themselves employ these against their friends through force of habit, unless they are on their guard against using them against their enemies. If then Pythagoras Cf. Moralia , 729 E. was right when, in trying to accustom men to refrain from cruelty and rapacity in connexion with dumb animals, he used to intercede with fowlers, and buy up catches of fish and direct that they be released, and forbid the killing of any domesticated animal, it is surely a grander achievement by far, in disagreements and contentions with human beings, for a man to be a noble, honest, and ingenuous enemy, and to repress and put down his base, ignoble, and knavish propensities, so that in his dealings with his friends he may be always steadfast and may keep himself from wrongdoing. Scaurus was an enemy of Domitius and his accuser before the law. For the facts see Cicero, Oration for King Deiotarus , 11 (31). Now a servant of Domitius came to Scaurus before the trial, claiming to have information on some matters that had escaped Scaurus’s knowledge, but Scaurus would not let him speak, and caused the man to be arrested and taken back to his master. When Cato was prosecuting Murena for corrupt political practices and was getting together his evidence, there followed him, in accordance with the usage of the time, Explained more fully in the Life of Cato Minor , chap. xxi. (p. 769 B), where the story is repeated. men who watched what was being done. Very often they would ask him if he was intending that day to gather evidence or to do any work on the case, and if he said No, they believed him and went away. In these facts may be found the greatest proof of Cato’s repute; but it is a greater thing, and indeed the noblest, that, if we acquire the habit of practising honesty in dealing even with our enemies, we shall never deal dishonestly and knavishly with our intimate associates and friends.